Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sharkwater Documentary Quote

"I think the problem is, that we don't understand what we are. In essence we're, uh, you know, just a conceited naked ape, but in our minds we're some sort of divine legend and we see ourselves as some sort of god, that we can just walk around the Earth deciding who will live and who will die, and what will be destroyed and what will be saved. But the fact is, we're just a bunch of primates out of control.

We're now in the midst of a Third World War, but this time the enemy is ourselves and the objective is to save the planet from ourselves. There is no hope for the masses of humanity to do anything. They never have, they never will. All social change comes from the passionate intervention of individuals or small groups of individuals.

Slavery wasn't ended by any government or any institution. Women got the right to vote not because of any government. The civil-rights movement, the same thing- India with Mahatma Gandhi, South Africa with Nelson Mandela. Again, it's always individuals. You need those individuals with the passion and the energy to get involved. In fact, I don't know of any governments or institutions that are doing anything to solve any of these problems. All over the world, though, I am seeing individuals and non-government organizations that are passionately involved in protecting ecosystems and species, and that's where I see some optimism that's where results are happening."


Friday, September 10, 2010

a rambling

what is it all for?
for growth and purpose..
for experience...
to know what it is to hate
and love simultaneously
that we could call it lovate.
but why call it anything at all?
I stare at people and want to stab them
in the black part of their eye
and when they speak I picture ripping off their lips
and shoving it in their asshole, because I feel
that they are just talking out of their asses.
Politics. The feeling of know what is really going on
and seeing how it's really happening...
and the feeling of wanting to crush everything and
blow things up so that nothing can ever happen.
I see it all.
I can't say anything anymore, because there are no words.
If I could remain silent forever, I would.
And I could twist in my own hatred and passion
until it spews out in the form of creativity
so that everything is painted.
So that everything is broken
Crushed into various art forms
and then I can love it again because it can be beautiful.
All of this ugliness can be beautiful once I destroy it.
Do you know what it's all for?
Do you know why you do the things you do?
I ask myself.
It's all for experience I say.
For growth.
Because I would be nothing without this ride...
Without the knowing of what it is to feel every single emotion.
And then feel nothing.
And hate it.
And wish I could die.
But not because I want to die, not because I hate life, but because after a while
everything is the same.
And nothing really matters anyway.

- end.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

the way

the way is long but it is short enough to leave you wanting more.
there is no way but the way you have chosen to go.
the only way to live is to live good, yet the only way to learn is just to live.
those that tell you which way often do not know their own and so it is often best to go your own way.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Art by Jae / post #1

surrender (release)

I am a warrior / doused in black armour /
I am the wind / that whips

I lay my arms at the edge of the farm,
its borders swarming with men & women defending its crops and a lot of them
smile to themselves, still--
and turn themselves up to the sun as
the clouds part

I tried in mind to put aside that there was blood on the ground,
made it to the edge of the woods on tippie-toes without looking down
no breath
no sound
there is no room between words here, no way around
and so even long after the battle I perched in panic mode
while soldiers fell around me in the dark,
their stories left untold.

....Later on,
there was dawn

bodies decomposed on the lawn
while butterflies perched upon the noses of soldiers, birds took song
and I watched the surviving emerge from where they were hiding
as shyly as the sun rose out from the horizon.

What can you do to know when the fight is truly won, I wondered.
And then what can you do to move with feet of lead? I floundered. 

Gazing up I saw shining faces,
stepped back a few paces
tripped on tree trunks like boot laces & for a moment
on my back
the cold grass
was circumspect too--
the kiss of dawn's dew upon my cheek
was too new,
felt too true,
but then the breeze blew the leaves and the canopy moved,
and the trees let my eyes through and the sun came into view
and I knew then,
in the moments the sun rushed over my skin,

that the world breathed in,

exhaled with me

and we lived to breathe again

evolve by Jae

Monday, August 30, 2010


Hello All!

I would like to introduce you to this site. It is a place where you can contribute your thoughts, your pictures, your passions, your ideas, your drawings, your paintings.. .your whatever at anytime. It's a communal art blog for all of us, where we can go into it and add, or just browse through the postings that we've created at different points. It'll be like a bag of goodies that every time you look in it, something new may appear!

I hope we can enjoy this together and make something cool from it. If you know any lovely art friends that would like to post art or share thoughts within this blog, please feel free to have them join!

The only thing I ask of everyone is respect. Respect for each other and each other's work. We all work hard to be who we are and do what we love. 

Namaste, peace, love and well wishes!